Regional Statistics

Planning for future service delivery

Rockhampton Regional Council provides a suite of tools offering statistical information to underpin and guide planning for future development and service delivery. The information contained in the products may also assist with business planning and grant applications with tools provided to allow for the preparation of reports. The products offered include:

Profile .id

Council's community profile provides access to census information about the population of the Rockhampton Regional Council Area, and allows you to compare with other regional areas or the state. You can also find the information at a smaller area level, and by communities of interest.

Atlas .id

This product allows you to target your services more effectively by presenting census data in a suite of thematic maps showing the distribution of the population.

Forecast .id

This tool shows what is driving demographic change in our area and forecasts how the population, age structure and household type will change between now and 2031.

Economy .id

The economic and workplace profiles combine 2 different datasets to detail the local economy, how it is changing, and how it compares to other areas. the tool includes information regarding gross regional product; local jobs, business and industry structure; employment and unemployment; population; building approval; journey to work.