Funding of up to $5,000+GST can be awarded, to cover a maximum of 50% of a project's overall cost. Projects with a total cost exceeding $10,000 are encouraged to enter, however will not receive more than the $5,000+GST cap.
Funds will be reimbursed upon the successful completion of an Acquittal Report, and funding is awarded on a case-by-case basis until the allocated budget has been spent or the scheme ends. Submitting an application does not guarantee a grant or a specific grant amount, and each project proposal will be subject to a comprehensive review.
To encourage economic stimulus within the Rockhampton Region local goods and services should be used wherever possible.
Funding Example
GST registered
Project Over Grant Limit - Hospitality Business 'Capricornia Cafe' has a project of $14,000.00 (excl. GST). The grant amount payable is $5,500.00 (incl. GST).
Project Under Grant Limit - Community Group 'Rocky Roadside Art' has a project costing $880.00 (incl. GST). The grant amount payable is $440.00 (incl. GST).
Non-GST Registered
Project Over Grant Limit - Hospitality Business 'Capricornia Cafe' has a project of $14,000.00 (excl. GST). The grant amount payable is $5,000.00 (excl. GST).
Project Under Grant Limit - Community Group 'Rocky Roadside Art' has a project costing $880.00 (incl. GST). The grant amount payable is $400.00 (excl. GST).