With access to a diverse range of industry specialists, including livestock sales, animal health and nutrition together with experts in beef cattle, sheep, wool, goat and pig production it makes sense to invest in the Rockhampton Region.
Here are some of the untapped opportunities around beef and livestock in the Rockhampton Region:
Small Scale Butchers
While Rockhampton has commercial meat processing facilities, there is considerable opportunity to support the local farm gate and paddock to plate, and for smaller scale abattoir systems in Rockhampton to service the lamb, goat and pig industries.
Feedlot Opportunities
A comprehensive study conducted by the Queensland Government between 2002 and 2007 identified the potential to develop at least four large cattle feedlots in the region with a capacity of approximately 30,000 Standard Cattle Units (SCUs) each. The total potential turnoff of these feedlots could reach approximately 445,000 finished head annually.
Rockhampton is an ideal location for feedlots due to:
- Access to feeder cattle from the Fitzroy Region, with almost 3 million head
- Availability of water and climatic conditions
- Availability of land that is away from sensitive receptors and outside of flood zones
- Suitability for grain growing and proximity to grain growing areas
- Suitability of soils for grain production and by-product waste utilisation
- Proximity to major road networks, rail, airport, two ports, two abattoirs and a saleyard
- Experienced labour and access to veterinarians, expert researchers and advisors
- Access to local specialists to secure permits and approvals